• Frequently Asked Questions


    What is Banyak Health?

    Banyak Solutions started as a vision to develop medical software that benefits patients and was free (or low cost) for Medical providers. Two of the founders worked with the Australian Digital Health Agency, the Government agency responsible for Australia's central health record called My Health Record. While My Health Record has the ambition to provide a centralised health solution, it is not a true end to end solution. My Health Record relies on Commercial software vendors to connect to the central repository to store patient data. This data is not a full clinical copy of the patients health information, in fact many records uploaded are only a summary. Also public records show there has been an extensive amount invested into My Health Record (>$1Billion AUD), much more than could be invested within a developing country without diverting funds from actual health service delivery. Banyak Health is a low cost, end to end centralised solution, developed from our vision to provide patients with a centralised health record, that is available to any participating Medical provider (we aim to gain 100% coverage) as well as the patient themselves.

    When will Banyak Health be ready?

    We are presenting designing the solutions in conjunction with medical health professionals. We plan to begin development late 2023 with initial trials in medical clinics during 2024. The production release is planned for late 2024.

    How does a centralised health record work?

    Imagine living in a city for 5 years and visiting the same Doctor. Now you move to a new city for study and need to find a new Doctor. You live in this new city for 3 years while you study. Next you complete study and move to a third city to start a new job. Again you will want to find a local Doctor. Each time you visit your Doctor, they will take notes about your health, may request medical tests or medical scans, provide you with prescription medicine or even refer you to a specialist Doctor. As you move, your new Doctor must request a copy of your medical history from the previous Doctor. They may use different medical software applications that cannot easily share data or the data may become lost or stolen in transit. The goal of Banyak Health is to create a centralised store of health data that each Doctor can access - seeing all the previous detailed medical history. To ensure privacy, Doctors must request to view a patients health history. The patient has the ability to allow or deny a Doctor from accessing their health history. A patient may also want to limit what data a new Doctor can see, so historical health data can be locked from view. Banyak Health was designed with patient privacy and security as a key feature.

    How do we provide Patient privacy?

    Our privacy feature allows for medical history to be either hidden or locked by a Patient. They can either unhide or unlock the history as they choose. The privacy feature is by individual medical visit (or episode).

    How do we provide Patient data security?

    Cyber Security is a core foundation of our solutions. We have strong encryption on all Patient data and our own Cyber Security staff (www.banyakcyber.com) who monitor our technology. 

    Why are you not raising funds using public shareholders?

    Shareholders invest in companies that provide financial return on the investment. The cost of our software solutions would need to increase dramatically in order to drive maximum profits for shareholders. Our goal is to develop fully independent solutions that benefit patients first and foremost.

    Why are you not raising funds from Government?

    To ensure our software solutions are developed with no Government influence we are developing with no Government financial assistance. For example if we sought funding from Government, they may ask for features that limit patient privacy. Our goal is to develop fully independent solutions that benefit patients with a focus on privacy and security.

    What countries do we operate in?

    At present we are developing the first version in Indonesia only. We aim to expand further across South East Asia once we have fully tested all of our solutions in Indonesia and can find local operating staff in other countries. New Countries bring logistical challenges as we need to hire local staff, provide training and build contacts within the Medical communities. Our business model was designed to ensure local staff operate and manage the solution backed by advice and support from the International management team. This creates local employment opportunities and investment in local health campaigns targeted at preventable disease.